Monday, August 13, 2012

Summer Before College

It's not that i'm terrified about going to college or even scared... well maybe a little, it's more that the summer before my first year of college is really quit stressful. I mean it's not just that you apply for college/University, get accepted and that's it. There is way more to it. For example you need to
1. sign up for courses and hope they aren't full (this I did sometime in like march so I don't have to worry about that too much now)
2. Since I want a job on campus I had to fill out a bunch of stuff for that and phone people and blah blah blah
3. I have to sign up for orientation
4. I have to pay 100 dollars to go to this stupid camp to get to know the rest of the first years (if it was free then fine but it's not and I already have no money as it is)
5. pack everything
6. get text books

It's also sort of stressful because I'm starting to realize that I'm an adult and as an adult I have to be a lot more independant, no more asking mom to buy some more shampoo. Also I have to take care of all these logistics that before I wouldn't of had to worry about because my parents would have taken care of it. I've realized that I really hate logistics. They are horrible and so confusing and hard to keep track of.

When going into highschool I was the one that picked out my courses but that's about it. My parents were the ones that enrolled me at the school and made sure everything was paid for and that I had all my school supplies that I needed. Now applying for college was totally different. I had to fill out all the paper work to apply for acceptance and then sign up for courses and make sure they fit in my schedule. It was a lot more confusing.

Being gone for a month of Summer break didn't help any either because though I was relaxed on my vacation, once I got back I saw all the emails and letters that I had gotten from my University and my stress level went way up

I hope that University will be great but so far it just seems like a lot of work and stress.